I remember that for years my goal was to have $10k of recurring revenue per month. That was my definition of financial freedom! I could meet all my business and personal obligations, and the rest was gravy.


I dreamed of that goal. I worked toward that goal. I tracked my numbers to get to that goal. And I did.  I achieved that goal…years ago. I couldn’t tell you when, because I can’t remember. 


This goal that I worked toward for almost a decade was achieved and forgotten long ago.


Since those early days in my business, my aspirations have evolved, I have hired staff, and the number has changed.  I am happy to report that my recurring revenue covers my personal and business obligations, and the rest is indeed gravy.


I have achieved a type of financial freedom. It is not the financial freedom that we often talk about with our clients where no work is required. It is a Working Financial Freedom.


Being human and all, I forget to appreciate that I have arrived at “enough.” I still strive and push and worry, despite having more than enough. 


I share this with you because you likely fall into one of two camps:

-Those striving to reach enough for the first time.

-Those who have exceeded enough long ago.


My message for those who are striving to reach that first milestone is that it is a glorious and attainable goal! Working Financial Freedom has the potential to change your life.


You can stop chasing every sale. You can think more broadly about your life and the impact you want to make. You can experience a meaningful peace of mind that is elusive for most people.


Knowing the cost of your life and business and building enough recurring revenue to support them fully is a worthy goal! Go get it!


For those, like me, who have long since achieved enough, my message is different. Having more than enough reveals who you are.


Do you keep striving for more and more at all costs? Are you just a black hole where there is never enough? Are you addicted to work, addicted to money, addicted to more?


This is where the hard work of designing your dream life begins.


What will you do with the time freedom you have created? What will you do with the financial freedom you now have?


For most people, the answers are uninspiring.


They will keep working at full speed because they don’t know what else to do with themselves and they will spend more and more on luxuries.


I am not against any of us enjoying the money we create. We should do that! We worked really hard for what we have!


I am advocating for being intentional about how we spend the resources at our disposal, time, and money.


Financial freedom reveals who we really are. Who are you, and who will you become?


With Purpose,



Have you defined what Working Financial Freedom would look like for you today and in the future?


Our industry pushes us for MORE, always more. To take the power back, we need to define ENOUGH and work toward that freedom.


If you need some help building a practice that will support your Working Financial Freedom goals, you should consider the Delivering on the Promise online course!


In that Delivering on the Promise, I teach you to design an Advice-based Financial Planning practice that will provide a high-value client experience and give you the tools to build significant recurring revenue.


You don’t have to be on the hamster wheel of production forever. Let me help you again, Working Financial Freedom!  Click the link below to learn more about Delivering on the Promise, and feel free to email me if you have any questions!  [email protected]

Delivering on the Promise


50% Complete

Two Step

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