management mindset Oct 15, 2018


The siren call of change has within it the promise of new beginnings. The problem is that you bring yourself with you! 


There is a story you are telling right now that you believe will improve with a change in circumstances. 


What is your story? 


  • I am isolated and alone, because the people in my office don’t value me. If I go to a new office or new B/D that will change. 
  • If only I had reliable help, I wouldn’t have to do everything myself! When I get a decent assistant, all that will change! 
  • The office is a mess because I don’t have the right storage solutions, it will feel completely different once I get a new set-up. 


Here is the challenge: A change in Broker Dealers will not teach you to connect better with people. A new assistant will not teach you to be easy to work for. A new office will not keep you from being a clutter-bug. 


Those things might help and they may even be called for, BUT no matter what change you make, you always take yourself with you on the journey. 


If you have a weakness, it won’t be remedied until you address it within yourself. 


The external change alone will only mask it temporarily. The pattern will eventually reveal itself again. 


Life and business are very kind in this way (feel the heavy layer of sarcasm?). The lesson will repeat until you learn what you need to from the situation. 


I have seen this pattern in my life/business over and over again. 


One very apparent example is in the area of staff. I had a lot of drama and turnover in the assistant position for the first few years of my business. 


I had a story that no one cared as much as I did and they just couldn’t “get it right.” They didn’t know how hard I was working and weren’t willing to meet me half way. 


And they sure as hell didn’t understand the stress I was under. 


The challenge was, it didn’t matter who was in that position, the story ended up the same. Nothing changed until I was willing to really look at myself and to change! 


Now, I have had the same assistant/office manager for over 10 years! Woot! She is amazing! AND I am a better boss/business partner than I was in the early years! 


I am not perfect, but I communicate better. I look for solutions vs. placing blame when something goes wrong. I appreciate her work immensely and tell her. I treat her like an integral part of my team vs. a cog in a machine. 


We all have stories in every area of our lives that suggest that the solution to a problem is outside of ourselves. I am not anti-change. Sometimes you have to make the big move, but I am just encouraging you to consider the role you are playing in the current situation before you take the leap! 


The good news is that you can change any aspect of your business! 

The other good news is that the change has to start with you! 


With Purpose,




The other good news is that you don’t have to be on this journey of change alone! The Intentional Advisor Mastermind is full of like-minded advisors who are building their lives and businesses with PURPOSE and on PURPOSE. 








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