Raise your hand if you love to learn!  Raise your hand if you love to read!  Raise your hand if you are always on the lookout for the next great personal development/business guru! 


My friend, you have a problem…and so do I! 


The way to wisdom is not in the consumption of massive amounts of information.  It is in the deliberate contemplation of the right information.    


The transmutation of ideas into action drives change. 


In the modern world we have an unending number of gurus and influencers to learn from: great books, amazing talks, fantastic podcasts, deep-dive courses and all the social media inspiration we can ever dream of.   


We can easily spend our lives consuming and never really living the ideas that we learn.  


In the ancient world there just weren't so many masters to choose from.  To have a text or even a small library of books from the masters was a luxury reserved for the ennobled.  In this way, the ancients were blessed with focus.  


Seneca said, "You must linger among the limited number of master-thinkers, and digest their works if you would derive ideas which shall win firm hold in your mind." 


You must LINGER among a LIMITED NUMBER of MASTER-THINKERS, and DIGEST THEIR WORKS if you will DERIVE IDEAS which shall WIN FIRM HOLD in your mind. 


It doesn't say to flit from book to podcast to course to Ted Talk.  It doesn't say fill your library with books you are eternally "fixin" to read or books you have read once, long-ago.   


Whether in business or life, the truly wise are judicious in selecting and staying loyal to their gurus.  Wisdom without action is just a daydream. 


I challenge you to make a list of your gurus in the different areas of your life.  Go look at your bookshelf and ask yourself, who do I follow, who do I align with, who inspires me to action?  Limit yourself to one or two in each area of your life/business and focus on truly absorbing the lessons and living the truths that they share! 


The point of learning is to live better.  Pick your gurus.  Dive deeply into their works and ingrain that knowledge into your life/business through action.   Live it! 


With Purpose,




As I tell you to Marie Kondo your guru list, I would be remiss to leave myself out of that consideration.  Though I would not call myself a "guru", I am an thought-leader in the financial advisor space.   Or at least I aspire to be! :-)  


If my emails are just fluff in your inbox, I invite you to unsubscribe!  I know as well as anyone the daunting task of keeping the inbox clean.   


But if you want to build an purpose-driven, profitable, Advice-based Financial Planning practice, I encourage you to dive even deeper into this community!  Just reading emails or even taking a course won't be valuable to you unless you IMPLEMENT!  Unless you live it!  


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